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Seorang "Newbie Netter" yang mencoba meng-kreasikan diri di Dunia Maya... Jika Anda butuh bantuan apapun,jangan sungkan hubungi saya,karena saya tipe Orang yang kaga pilih-pilih dalam berteman.
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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

4 Golden Keys For Increase Traffic

Google is not only a popular search engine , it is more than that ... it is a source of visitors and customers who purchase and interact with your content and your company's products.

And specifically for this article is intended for small businesses and web developers webmasters seeking to improve the image of their pages on Google search results .

Today , it's time for small businesses and those who work in the "web development " sector namely four information that could help in the ranking of the best in the search results.

1. Author information in search results has become necessary :
Have you recently met in search results on Google photo of the author or owner of the website that displays the results with his name associated with a profile on Google Plus ? This is what Google calls the author information , and because it is not yet very widespread you can use the appearance of your site and pages Centre for results pages developed for a large number of visitors and customers , and therefore more profit.

2. Google Plus ... helps you increase your reputation in Google:
When Google create its social network, he added the +1 button to share links, and it became one of the most important on which search engine to raise the rank of specific content, and I will advice criteria with buttons to add other social networks on Google Plus button, and use it when you add content and availability of opportunity for others to click on it, and the more clicks by each other that helped organize the best for this page in Google results.

3. Follow the updates to Google to avoid fatal errors :
Google Panda and Google Penguin is always important algorithms developed by Google to improve outcomes for users, and across sites ban dependent transport and deployment of low-quality content , and improve search results websites and magazines that put his articles, compiled and provide useful content . And if there are many other details that the objective of these algorithms and perhaps design and ease of navigation and speed up the transition from the pages of the most important things as well as the content .

4. Spending on Google AdWords ads:
Although the ads are good and important , but to focus on doing just that through the Google AdWords is the best compared to other advertising services , as you can specify the appearance of ads on pages related to the content of your site, in addition to the results of your ads also appear on the pages of its competitors and many other sites include related content , including offering in your site, and all to spend the money for a click !

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Passive Smokers Facts You Should Know

Cigarettes are objects that are familiar to us. Smoking is a habit that is very common and widespread in the community. The dangers of smoking to health body has been researched and proven a lot of people.

Adverse effects of smoking were already known. Many studies have shown smoking increases the risk of various diseases such as heart disease and blood vessel disorders, lung cancer, oral cancer, laryngeal cancer, cancer osefagus, bronchitis, high blood pressure, impotence and pregnancy disorders and defects in the fetus.

Passive smokers are people who are not directly inhaling cigarette smoke from people who smoke cigarettes, health risks also obtained almost the same with the danger of active smokers.

Well here should know 9 facts about second-hand smoke, as quoted by detik.com want to know what it wrote consider the following.
1 . You can be passive when you breathe in air that has been polluted by tobacco smoke wherever you are.

2 . In adults , second-hand smoke can cause heart disease and serious respiratory , including coronary heart disease and lung cancer . Babies who become passive porokok can cause sudden death in pregnant women will result in low birth weight infants .

3 . Around 40 percent of children who become passive smokers , cigarette smoke generally appear within the home. As many as 31 percent of deaths caused by passive smoking occurs in children .

4 . Teens who become passive smokers in the home environment , increasing the desire to start smoking up to two -fold greater compared with teens who do not become passive smokers .

5 . The economic burden of passive smoking have up to 10 percent of health costs related needs smoke screen .

6 . Separate smoking area or ventilation does not protect the non -smokers from second-hand smoke . Regular cigarette smoke can spread from a smoking area towards non-smoking area , even if the door is closed between the two areas .

7 . There is no safe level of cigarette smoke screens . The only way to protect yourself from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke is to create an environment that is 100 percent smoke-free . Anehdidunia.com companion case arranged in chapters 8 Framework Convention on Tobacco Control set by WHO .

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